Our grano dust – or grano to dust as it’s sometimes know – is a granitic product that has a fine, gritty consistency, with particle sizes that range from 0mm to 6mm. An extremely versatile product with a wide range of uses, grano chippings are often used to in the production of fine mortars, ideal for flooring screeds. It can also be used to provide a stable sub-base for block paving, concrete slabs, stone flags and artificial grass. Due to the consistency of grano to dust it’s possible to use it to produce a level finish for hardstandings, and it can also be effective when used to form sloped surfaces, perfect for benching manholes or haunching.
Key features
- A granitic aggregate consisting of small particles.
- Mix with sand and cement to produce fine mortars that make for idea flooring screeds.
- Use grano dust as a sub-base for block paving, concrete slabs and stone flags.
- Frequently used as a stable sub-base for artificial grass, sometimes laid above MOT type 1 or a similar-sized aggregate.
- Can build slopes so ideal to create haunching or manhole benching.
- Please contact us if loose load delivery is required.
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